Saturday, July 18, 2009


C# How to - Create and use a Toggle Button as a Web User Control
Part 1: Creating the Toggle Button as Web User Control.
1. Create the control by going to your Project and Add New Item -> Web User Control. (This needs to be
   a web project). Give the name WUC_ToggleButton.ascx to this control.
2. By now these files are created:
   WUC_ToggleButton.ascx  -> HTML kind of page
   WUC_ToggleButton.ascx.cs   -> where you add code
   WUC_ToggleButton.ascx.designer.cs  -> auto-generated - DO NOT touch this.
3. Double click on the WUC_ToggleButton.ascx file from Solution Explorer, then choose the Design tab.
   Open up Toolbox from View menu, and drag the Button from Toolbox, onto the design are of WUC_ToggleButton.ascx.
4. Go back to the Design view of WUC_ToggleButton.ascx and right click on the button. In the Properties panel,
   rename the button to btnToggle01.
5. Double click on th btnToggle01 and the following code will be added to the source file  WUC_ToggleButton.ascx.cs:
        protected void btnToggle01_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

6. Add the following sections of code to the WUC_ToggleButton.ascx.cs class:
        public event EventHandler eventToggle_On;
        public event EventHandler eventToggle_Off;

        // Toggle State
        public enum ToggleButtonState
            On = 0,
            Off = 1,
        public ToggleButtonState toggleState
                if (ViewState["toggleState"] == null)
                    ViewState["toggleState"] = ToggleButtonState.On;
                return (ToggleButtonState)ViewState["toggleState"];
            set { ViewState["toggleState"] = value; }

        // Toggle parameters: Allow user to specify on, off labels as parameters via html link in Designer
        public string onText;
        public string offText;

        public string OnText
            get { return onText; }
            set { onText = value; }
        public string OffText
            get { return offText; }
            set { offText = value; }
There are 3 main sections above:
a) The Toggle State code enable us to design how the toggle operation should be carried out.
b) The Toggle Parameters enable allow the designer to specify text to describe the toggle states via the
HTML-like aspx design page (more details later). So the user of this WUC can specify "on/off", "show/hide"
to represent the states.
c) The EventHandler allow the WUC to pass control back to the main caller routine to execute specific code.

7. Add the code logic for the Click event for toggle button in WUC_ToggleButton.ascx.cs :
        protected void btnToggle01_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (this.toggleState == ToggleButtonState.On)
                toggleState = ToggleButtonState.Off;
                btnToggle01.Text = this.OffText;
                if (eventToggle_On != null)
                    eventToggle_On(this, new EventArgs());
                toggleState = ToggleButtonState.On;
                btnToggle01.Text = this.OnText;
                if (eventToggle_Off != null)
                    eventToggle_Off(this, new EventArgs());
Note that the Toggle action need only the switch of toggleState. The 2 extra features of this
Toggle button are:
1) Changing text on the button, as done using btnToggle01.Text
2) Passing the event via eventToggle_On/Off back to the caller, which must have registered the events.

8. If you look at the Source of WUC_ToggleButton.ascx, you will find these lines:
<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="WUC_ToggleButton.ascx.cs" Inherits="WebMenu.WUC_ToggleButton" %>
&nbsp;<asp:Button ID="btnToggle01" runat="server" OnClick="btnToggle01_Click" Text="Button" />
Part 2: Using the Toggle Button Web User Control
1. Open the *.aspx file, example default.aspx, and go to Design view.
2. Drag and drop the WUC_ToggleButton.ascx from the Solution Explorer unto the design view.
3. Open up the default.aspx Source view and confirm the following lines are added automatically:
<%@ Register Src="WUC_ToggleButton.ascx" TagName="WUC_ToggleButton" TagPrefix="uc1" %>
<uc1:WUC_ToggleButton ID="WUC_ToggleButtonA" runat="server"  />       
4. In the Source view for Design.aspx, add the toggleState, OnText, OffText attributes as follows:
<uc1:WUC_ToggleButton ID="WUC_ToggleButtonA" runat="server" toggleState="On" OnText="Show" OffText="Hide" />       
toggleState - specifies the initial state of the button
OnText - lets the user define the text shown on button when state is On
OffText - lets the user define the text shown on button when state is Off.
5. The Toggle button also allow the caller page to specify what operations to perform by using event
handlers. To initialize the event handlers, in the Page_Load method of the caller default.aspx,
            WUC_ToggleButtonA.eventToggle_On +=new EventHandler(WUC_ToggleButtonA_eventToggle_On);
            WUC_ToggleButtonA.eventToggle_Off +=new EventHandler(WUC_ToggleButtonA_eventToggle_Off);
This adds two event handlers to the Toggle Button. The caller default.aspx can now define the methods below
to perform the desired operations:
private void WUC_ToggleButtonA_eventToggle_On(object sender, EventArgs ev)
private void WUC_ToggleButtonA_eventToggle_Off(object sender, EventArgs ev)

Part 3: Pass Data or information via Events from Toggle Button WUC back to the caller
1. Derive an EventArgs class to pass the desired information, eg:
   public class myEventArgs : EventArgs{
      public string message;
      public myEventArgs(string msg){ message = msg; }
2. To use this new Event class, create a new delegate class to represent the new Event signature:
        public delegate void myEventHandler(object sender, myEventArgs e);
3. Use the new EventHandler in the WUC_ToggleButton.ascx.cs, instead of
        public event EventHandler eventToggle_On;  
   we now have
        public event myEventHandler eventToggle_On; 
4. The code for raising the events needs to submit the required two pieces of information as event parameters.
In part 1, step 7, in the btnToggle01_Click method, instead of: 
                if (eventToggle_On != null)
                    eventToggle_On(this, new EventArgs());
we have the following:
                if (eventToggle_On != null)
myEventArgs eventInfo = new myEventArgs("some message");
                    eventToggle_On(this, eventInfo);
5. In the caller code default.aspx.cs (part 2, step 5), the user defined method:
private void WUC_ToggleButtonA_eventToggle_On(object sender, EventArgs ev)
can be changed to
private void WUC_ToggleButtonA_eventToggle_On(object sender, myEventArgs ev)
Note that ev now has the message "some message" which can be accessed via:

Monday, July 13, 2009

Notes JSP

Notes JSP

JSP Directives
JSP Server - Apache Tomcat
JSP Syntax
JSP Directory Structure
JSP Expression Language and Implicit Objects
JSP output to HTML
JSP Attributes
JSP Standard Action Tags
Tag library
Example of web.xml file

JSP are
- HTML pages that have Java code embedded.
- server side programs

- JSP have 3 sets of data
1. JSP directives
2. Action Elements
3. Implicit Objects

JSP Directives
Aim: provide information to the JSP container about the page.
<%@ page attributes %>
<%@ include attributes %>
<%@ taglib attributes %>

Page attributes = {import, session, isThreadSafe, Info, errorPage,
isErrorPage, contentType, pageEncoding}

Include attributes = {file}

Custom Action = tag in the JSP file. Eg. <prefix:name />
Tag Handler = the java class that provides the behaviour of
custom action at run time.

JSP Server - Apache Tomcat
(see NotesTomcat, NotesGridsphere)

JSP Syntax
<%-- blah comments --%>
Directives Elements  (JSP style | XML style)
<%@ page attributes %>    | < attributes />
<%@ include attributes %> | <jsp:directive.include attributes />
Scripting Elements
<%! declaration %>        | <jsp:declaration> declaration </jsp:declaration>
- can be used to define methods
- variables declared here are available to all code in the same JSP page
<% scriplet code %>       | <jsp:scriplet> code fragment </jsp:scriplet>
- variables declared here are only available in the codelet fragment
<%= expression %>         | <jsp:expression> expression </jsp:expression>
Action Elements (JSP 2.0 specs)
<jsp:useBean>      (creates the bean from a Java Bean class)
<jsp:getProperty>  (uses the getXXX method of JavaBean)
<jsp:setProperty>  (uses the setXXX method of JavaBean)
<jsp:plugin>, <jsp:params>, <jsp:fallback> (used to include JavaBeans or applets)
<jsp:invoke>   (valid for tag libraries)
<jsp:doBody>   (valid for tag libraries)

JSP Directory Structure
     footer.jspf    (a jsp code fragment #included in code)
     errorPage.jsp  (JSP diverts here if there is error)
        (tlds files)
        (archives used by application)

JSP Expression Language (EL) and Implicit Objects
Instead of using JSP scripting elements (see JSP Syntax section),
JSP can use EXPRESSION LANGUAGE (EL) which has a much simpler syntax.
Examples are:
${"Single quotes in 'double quotes' need not be escaped"}

EL also has implicit objects available to it:

JSP output to HTML
Two ways JSP can output onto html page:

Hello!  The time is now <%= date %>


Hello!  The time is now
    // This scriptlet generates HTML output
    out.println( String.valueOf( date ));

JSP Attributes
Each JSP page can have a set of attributes related to the particular page.
Example (developing a tag handler) shows how to interact between a
ClassBean with the member: "topic"
JSP page with attribute: "qid", "question"

1. Structure

2. Define the class bean:
package ch04
   public class SimpleList extends SimpleTagSupport{
       private String topic;
       public void setTopic(String s) { topic = s; }
       public String getTopic() { return topic; }
       public void doTag() throws JspException{
          getJspContext().setAttribute("qid", topic ....);
          getJspContext().setAttribute("question", topic ....);
3. define simplefaq.tld
<?xml ....>
  <short-name>  .... </short-name>
    <attribute>         // "topic" member of classsBean
4. define web.xml
<?xml ......>

5. write the JSP file
<%@ taglib uri="/simplequestions" prefix="faq" %>
  <faq:simplelist topic="${param.topic}">
    <a href="Questions.jsp?qid=${qid}"> ${qid} </a>
    ${question} </p>

faq - tag library name
simplelist - name of tag
topic - an attribute of the simplelist tag
param.topic - obtained from the bean              

The following are available in the standard

Interface  <-----  Base Class (Implementing the interface)
=========          ========================================
SimpleTag          SimpleTagSupport

Simple Tag Handlers = {SimpleTag, JSPFragment} since JSP2.0
Classic Tag Handlers = {Tag, BodyTag, IterationTag} since JSP1.1,1.2

Tag Library Descriptor (TDL) is an xml file
- to inform container which tag handlers are available to JSP pages,
  after creating your own classes that implement a tag.
- configuration file is:
- descriptor.tld is inside a jar file jarTLD.jar, then store in:

JSP Standard Action Tags
since JSP 2.0
xxx = {useBean, setProperty, getProperty, param, include, forward,
plugin, params, fallback, attribute, body, invoke, doBody} 

Tag library
to create own Tag library
- create a Tag Handler class
    - extends SimpleTagSupport
    - contain get / set methods for data eg. "topic"
    - eg. name of class is SimpleList in package Ch04
- create TLD and place in /WEB_INF/tlds/, call it simplefaq.tld
        <name> simplelist </name>
        <body-content> scriptless</body-content>
- create Deployment Descriptor for Tag Library
if using Tomcat, create web.xml with this portion


- create JSP file TopicList.jsp
  <%@ taglib uri="/simplequestions" prefix="faq"%>
     <faq:simplelist topic="${param.topic}">
       ...... ${question}       

using Tag Library:
  create a TLD (Tag Library Descriptor) xml file and fill in details of the tag or class using:
       <tag> ..... </tag>

importing a Tag Libray to use:
   to use a tag library,
       <%@ taglib uri="URI_of_Library" prefix="tag_prefix" %>

- Deploying tag libraries involve:
  i)copy jars and tlds
  ii) add mapping to web.xml
  iii) add a taglib directive to the JSP page, eg:
      <% taglib uri="/portletUI" prefix="ui" %>

- Tag libraries include:
  - JSTL(Sun)
  - Struts(Jakarta) for MVC
  - JNDI (Jakarta) for using Java Naming and Dir Interface
  - BEA Weblogic portal JSP Tag Lib - for working with BEA
  - Coldjava bar Charts - for making graphs
  - Orion EJB - for making EJBs


1.  Put location of the class in Tag Library Descriptor (TLD)
file in WEB-INF\tlds\portletui.tld

2. Specify location of TLD in:   WEB-INF\web.xml

3. In JSP file, add the location of the taglib:  
<%@ taglib uri="/portletUI" prefix="ui" %>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="portlet" %>
    Hello, <ui:text beanId="nameTB"/> !
    <ui:textfield size="20" beanId="nameTF"/>
    <ui:actionsubmit action="showName" value="Say Hello!"/>

Example of web.xml file

General part of web.xml
welcome-file: in general tries to load index.html or index.jsp, if not it
    will load from this list of welcome files.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<!DOCTYPE web-app
   PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc. //DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"

    <display-name>This is project TomcatTestProject</display-name>
This is a simple web application with a source code organization
based on the recommendations of the Application Developer's Guide.

      <!-- Loads these files as default if no index.html or index.jsp -->
      <welcome-file> welcome.jsp </welcome-file>
where welcome.jsp is a file in the application.

servlet mappings of general servlet Name, to servlet Class to URL pattern


The requested resource (/<name>/) is not available.
- make sure that "name" is under webapp subdirectory
- make sure that in "name"'s WEB-INF directory, there is a web.xml
- manually type the URL into the browser like:
  then go back to Tomcat Manager, undeploy, then start app again

Notes Linux Install

Notes Linux Install

Update / Packages
Setup Network (see NotesNetworking)
Bug Fixing
Initial Runlevel setting

/boot    100MB    Force to be primary partition
/swap    2xRam or between 190MB and 2GB

Update / Packages
   up2date; or
To check packages from initial installation, see:
List of many sites from Fedora webpage
List of Repo stuff
Setup Yum configuration
  Type proxy in yum.conf or in yum.repos.d/fedora*.repo files:
  Edit the baseurl to get stuff from in yum.repos.d/fedora*.repo, add:
   ... DO NOT SPECIFY more than 1 baseurl
  Edit the mirrorlist (which contain a list of baseurl) in
  yum.repos.d/fedora*.repo. This  can be  used  instead of the baseurl option.
  Success::working by
  - using default baseurl;
  - commenting out mirrorlist;
  - using proxy
       -Rsync fedora download site onto local directory,
          then configure yum to look
at local directory for repositories

Network config:
   ping, ssh  

Bug Fixing
VESA(0): No matching modes

Initial Runlevel setting
Modify the file /etc/inittab
- change value to 5 to start X11 login automatically
- change value to 3 to start command line login automatically