Thursday, April 22, 2010

How to Connect to Telstra Remote Working Solution (TRWS) on a corporate laptop.

This short guide shows how to setup VPN connection using a laptop configured to use Telstra Remote Working Solution.

Before going through this setup, the following pre-requisites need to be satisfied:
  1. Your laptop has the TRWS installed and is running Windows.
  2.  The connection is intended to use your laptop to connect to your home wireless network. The TRWS software will then provide a VPN tunnel through your home WiFi network, into the public internet, and securely into your corporate network,
  3. Your home WiFi network is already setup and you have these information: WiFi SSID, WiFi Security Mode and WiFi password.
  4. RSA SecureID token Device. This device is on all the time and a number is displayed, which changes after a certain amount of time.

The following steps will help setup the connection for the first time. The login steps below need to be done each time you login again.
1.    1.      Switch on Laptop.
2.   2. Look for the physical switch for the WiFi on the actual laptop. Its location is different for different laptop  models. Ensure this is switched on.
3.    3. When the laptop booted and is ready for work, then open up the TRWS application  either by:
i)                    Start – All Programs – Telstra – TRWS; or
ii)                  Click on the TRWS icon on the desktop.

4.    4.   From the TRWS, click Settings – Login Information.
5.    5.   In the Login Information, fill in the Username, Password, click Save Password and select the relevant country. Click OK.

6.      6. Go back to the TRWS dialog, click Settings – Connection Strings.

7.   7.   In the Connection Strings, click on the WLAN.
8.   8.   Under the WLAN tab, select the Device for your WiFi hardware on your laptop. Then click the Add button. The Add Personal Network dialog appears.

9.  9.    Fill in the SSID box and the Security box with the WEP, WPA or WPA2 password. The type of Security would depend on how your home WiFi is configured.
10  10.  Under the SSID, there is a checkbox called “Non-Broadcast”. If your WiFi Network is usually hidden, then please tick this checkbox. Click OK to finish with the Add Personal Network dialog.
11  11.  Going back to the WLAN tab, your WiFi network should be listed (not necessarily connected) in the Personal Networks box.
12  12.  Put a tick in the “Display all WLAN networks” box.
13  13.  At this stage, if the home WiFi is hidden based on SSID, make sure it is set to Not Hidden or Unhide. It can be set to Hidden again at the end of this guide. You may need the help of your home WiFi administrator for this.
14  14.  Click OK to finish with the Connection Strings dialog.

15  15.  At the TRWS main dialog, your home WiFi network may appear in the list under Phonebook – Available Networks. Double click on your WiFi network in the list.
16  16.  If it does not appear in the list, then under the menu, select Bookmarks – select your WiFi list under there. If it does not appear here either, then check that the WiFi network is Not Hidden.
17  17.  Also, to check that the WiFi adapter hardware inside the laptop is working, under the Phonebook – Available Networks, there should be a list of WiFi networks possibly from your neighbours. This just shows the WiFi in your laptop is working.

18.  If the previous steps have been successful, that just means that the laptop is connected to your home network. To establish a VPN (Virtual Private Connection) to your company,  the following extra steps are needed. A dialog to establish a VPN appears. Click OK. Go to step 21.

     19.  If the above dialog does not appear automatically after 5 minutes of connection, then go to the Taskbar in Windows and look for a yellow padlock icon. Double click on this to open up the VPN client connection status.

      20.  In the VPN client status dialog above, double click on the connection entry, eg “cbamras”. This will open up the dialog in step 18. Click on the network option and click OK.
      21.  Another dialog appears to login to the VPN. The user name is “r” plus your normal username in the company. The password is your normal password in the company plus the numbers in the RSA Secure ID token. These instructions may differ for different corporations.
22.  At this stage you have connected to both the internet and your corporate VPN.

      23.  Some other notes:
       -  to browse the internet, you may need to give your corporate username and password, if it a corporate web proxy is used.

24. How to Reset Network password
On the occasion that your user password has been changed at the network, and your laptop password is out of sync, here are the steps to change the password on the laptop:
- Switch on the laptop and boot until the Windows login prompt.
- Login to Windows using the old password.
- Connect to the office network using Telstra RAS as described in this article.
- Once the laptop has established connection with the office network, the press Ctrl-Alt-Del and Lock the computer.
- Unlock the computer by   Ctrl-Alt-Del  and then enter the old password.
- Then press again Ctrl-Alt-Del and Lock the computer.
- This time, unlock the computer using the new password on the network.
- The laptop should now have the same password as the network.

Monday, April 12, 2010

On Cloud Computing

This post is a collection of interesting links on the subject of Cloud Computing (CC). Please feel free to add your links by submitting a comment.

U.S. Department of Energy Asks, Is Cloud Computing Fast Enough for Science?
With cloud computing gaining acceptance in the business world, the U.S. Department of Energy wants to know if cloud computing can also meet the needs of the scientific computing. The National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) has launched Magellan, a cloud computing testbed to explore this question, with facilities that will test the effectiveness of cloud computing for scientific projects..........

Virtualization and cloud security modeled on NAC - introduces the use of Network Access Control to address security issue in CC.
      Network Access Control - a method of controlling network security.

Australian Cost of Data Breach report released - "PGP CEO Phillip Dunkelberger told iTnews that organisations operating in the cloud incurred higher costs because of issues to do with territorial jurisdictions, and additional investigation and consulting fees."  

Cloud computing putting data at increased risk

"Hacking attempts double in two years, says latest PwC report. Nearly two thirds of companies have detected attempts to break into their networks in the past year, double that of two years ago, according to the latest biennial Information Security Breaches Survey from PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)."

A list of Cloud related technologies, providers,etc 
“50% of the time the site is down in seconds, even when we’ve contacted site owners 
and they’ve told us everything will be fine. It’s often an unprecedented amount of traf-fic, and they don’t have the required capacity.” Stephen Fry, actor and widely followed 
Twitter user, London, U.K.; 
Greg D’Alesandre, Google App Engine; 
James Hamilton, Amazon Web Services, slide: “Amazon Cycle of Innovation”;