PDFzilla is like a swiss army knife of PDF - it does many different things with PDF files. It can convert PDF to many different file formats including Word, Excel, RTF, TXT, images (BMP, JPG, GIF), HTML, SWF and many more. In terms of PDF manipulation, it can rotate, merge, cut. This program is very useful and user friendly to manage PDF documents. Although there are other software, PDFzilla has the advantage of being easy to use and having so many functionality under one roof.
The welcome screenshot is shown below. It has all the main functionalities on display. One can very easily choose the main functions to be used. By clicking on any of the buttons, it opens up other dialogs that allow you to choose more options for the specific functionality required.
Editing is one of the most important features of PDFzilla. In many cases of usage, a PDF document is just for viewing. We may create PDF document by printing and then send to others to read. However sometimes we get a PDF and we want to modify or add new information. This is where we need a functionality to edit PDFs. This is where PDFzilla can help and is very useful to be able to edit the PDF documents. This means you can share documents with friends, and also work together by reviewing and editing each others' work.
Another important feature that PDF zilla brings is the ability to support over 20 languages. Since we are living in a globalised world, we communicate using more than one languages. Originally, PDFs may have been written for English audience. However now the whole world has got internet and is using electronic document formats such as PDFs, it is very important for PDF to be able to recognize many languages around the world. PDFzilla can do that very well. It renders German, French, Spanish, Italian and all the Unicode languages.
Another wonderful set of features in PDFzilla is the ability to manipulate files in PDF format. This include the ability to merge, cut and rotate PDF files. Sometimes we may get a collection of many one-page PDF documents but they are of the same topice. Hence we can use the very useful feature of PDF merge in PDFzilla to do the merging. Then sometimes we scan pictures into PDF documents and they are scanned sideways. This is when we can use the rotate feature of PDFzilla to rotate the PDF documents.
Disclaimer: This is a paid review. Review writers of PDFzilla get a free copy of PDFzilla. Thanks!
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