Saturday, September 27, 2014

Hidden Windows Devices

Some USB devices which have been unplugged or not active cannot be seen via Windows' Device Manager. However the following command will make Windows show the Hidden Devices. Open a CMD terminal, and enter the two lines:
- set devmgr_show_nopresent_devices=1
- start devmgmt.msc

Removing Rogueware

Sometimes rogueware such as search toolbars or other utility kits are sneakily installed on your PC when you install other big reputed programs. They may not be officially bad, but just annoying and you did not intend to have them in the first place. So here are some steps to remove them.

- create restore point
- Use the following tools to scan and remove rogueware
AdwCleaner ( to run scan
Junkware Removal Tool ( and run scan.
RogueKiller ( and run scan