Uninstalling the Trend Micro Titanium Security suite has not been a pleasant experience for me. The usual techniques below don't work.
- Uninstall by going to "Programs and Features"
- Stopping Trend Micro services from the "Services". Even "Run As Administrator" would not allow the service to be stopped.
At the moment I have found a few useful links from other sites such as:
- http://esupport.trendmicro.com.au/solution/en-us/1037161.aspx
- http://esupport.trendmicro.com.au/solution/en-us/1058879.aspx
- http://esupport.trendmicro.com/solution/en-US/1059018.aspx
- http://forums.cnet.com/7723-6132_102-552546/trend-micro-security-won-t-uninstall/
One trick that seemed to work, thanks to the links above, is go to the START button on Windows (sorry Windows 8),
- look under All Programs
- look for Trend Micro folder
- go to something like More Tools and Help
- look for something like: Trend Micro Diagnostic Toolkit - run this.