Crypto coins, tokens, currencies can be exchanged with each other without cash. The following is the explanation of some terms in the transaction record. This is best illustrated with a specific example case.
Consider converting between Litecoin to Salt. And the transaction record may show the following:
TxReceipt Status:Success
Block Height:5095085 (1381867 Block Confirmations)
TimeStamp:24 days 2 hrs ago (Feb-17-2016 02:10:24 PM +UTC)
To:Contract 0x789...
Tokens Transfered:
From 0x456...
To 0x369... for 110.077604 ($71.20) SALT
Value:0 Ether ($0.00)
Gas Limit: 200000
Gas Used By Transaction:51522
Gas Price:0.00000004 Ether (40 Gwei)
Actual Tx Cost/Fee:0.00206088 Ether ($0.47)
Nonce & {Position}:71256 | {15}
Input Data:
(The specific numbers have been altered for this example, but the pattern are the same).
0x123... is the actual transaction number. The whole record of this transaction whereby LTC is exchanged into SALT, can be viewed anytime in tht future by:
0x456... is the original holder of the SALT token. This is the seller of the SALT token, where the SALT token will change hands from him to you. The details of ALL SALT transaction by this token holder is shown at:
0x789... is the CONTRACT ADDRESS. This appears in the URL above. This address also appears in its own URL
In this Address webpage, the other transactions are also listed (TxHash)
0x369... is the final holder of the SALT token. This is the buyer of the SALT token. The details of ALL SALT trasaction by this token holder is shown at:
For record keeping purposes, such as for preparing a Tax Return or inventory, etc, the Tx (transaction) record URL in No.1 above may be the most useful. It has the four different numbers mentioned above. It has the TimeStamp and how long ago the transaction was made.
In addition, it shows the transaction fees and the number of tokens (SALT) at the end of this process.
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Bitcoin (BTC): 1LDHFVmrX6MAGswgNfVvjBo1D4FtZ8wgMH
Ethereum (ETH): 0x340C94fBdf94e37Ff3dbD548da53D765528d1f94
Litecoin (LTC): LX3moJbZhxrGTriqyCJx1gKdcDpWTJs6RR