Tuesday, January 31, 2006

1001 Most Idiotic Error Messages

Who this is for: For developer / programmers on the verge of pulling out their hair, due to incomprehensible or downright unhelpful error messages.

HOW TO USE ME: When you get a non-sensical COMPILATION or RUNTIME message, check to see if the problem & solution is recorded here. You are encouraged to "Google" your error messages first. Chances are Google will point you to this webpage if your error message has a solution on this webpage.

Your Responsibility: If you find a solution to a problem with an idiotic error message, please email to the address above (without the word ".earth").

The Idiotic Error Messages

`struct streampos' used where a `__off64_t
Compiling / Installing program
gcc3.1 iostream - streambuf.h file
1) Compile with gcc 2.95
2) Configure with
CC="/usr/local/gcc2/bin/gcc" CXX="/usr/local/gcc2/bin/g++" ./configure --prefix=/mydir
provided your old gcc2.95 is in /usr/local/gcc2/bin/

186 3 Formatted record insufficient in WRITE
runtime, NEC-SX5
Too small buffer for writing records. This is a System problem.
Edit the environment variable to enlarge buffer for stdout.

Stack SEGV. PC 0x10014af4. segv (11). code 28, pc 0x10014af4 segv (11). code 13, pc 0x10015c20,
[Thread 0 (2252684)]: Stack SEGV. PC 0x10014af4.
Addr 0xfffae69e78. SZ 67108864
[ 0 (2252684)]: segv (11). code 28, pc 0x10014af4,
vaddr 0xfffae69e78, alt-sp 0x14cf7190
[Thread 1 (2299358)]: Stack SEGV. PC 0x10015c20.
Addr 0x14cf808c. SZ 16809984
[ 1 (2299358)]: segv (11). code 13, pc 0x10015c20,
vaddr 0x14cf808c, alt-sp 0x14cf7190

SGI Origin 2400 - Clare - MipsPro Fortran
Stack size overflow
Increase the system limit by:
ulimit -s 512000


Compile Time - programs suddenly cannot compile
Existence of core file - previous run created MEGA core file
rm core

Warning: Stack frame size (131855680) larger than system limit (67108864)
MIPSPro Compilers, SGI Origins
Stack size to large
Compile with f90 -static ....

The minimum size of partition 5 exceeds the partition size limit.
Compiling using xlf90 on IBM SP2
When the highest level of optimization (-O5/O4) is requested, the compiler will perform inter procedural optimization (ipa). In the process, it needs temp storage and when the default amount is not sufficient, the above message results.
To remedy this, add the following switch to your compile line:-qipa=partition=large See the "man page" on xlf for detail. (Type xlf at prompt, not man xlf)

1514-008 (W) Variable bpmort is misaligned. This may affect the efficiency of the code.
Compiling using xlf90 on IBM SP2
The list of the variables in the COMMON block (in Fortran) does not enforce the need(alignment for reasons of performance) for arranging them by decreasing size of the number of bytes which is necessary to represent them in memory.
Rearrange the variables listed in common so that the bigger sized variables come first. Example
real r4,v(99)
double precision r8
integer (8) i8
integer (4) i4
logical(2) log
common /test/log,v,r4,i4,r8,i8 ! NOT Good
common /test/r8,i8,v,r4,i4,log ! GOOD

Warning: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent
PHP, HTML, webpages, using start_session() or headers()
The PHP function such as headers(), used with start_session(), produces HTML headers. When the PHP fragments are placed in the body of the HTML, this causes errors because the PHP fragments are trying to put HTML headers within the HTML body.
Put the PHP fragments before the HTML body tag.

xlf: 1501-230 Internal compiler error; please contact your Service Representative
On an IBM SP2, when trying to compile a simple MPI test program using either mpxlf, mpxlf90 or /usr/local/mpi/bin/mpif77
There can may be several causes to this error message. But in this particular case, including the option "-qnolm" solved the problem.
Include the compiling option "-qnolm" which is to "Disables license management."

f90 INTERNAL: Unable to open message system. *** Error code 2 (bu21)
Compiling in SGI using MipsPro Compiler f90 or CC.
Incorrect variable LANG.
export LANG=C or setenv LANG C

XArray.tem.cpp(78): error: expected an identifier T_index = item.T_index;
C++ programming
In the example above, T_index is supposed to be a typename (eg int). This should be followed by a variable name such as: T_index var_name; instead of the equal sign.
Make the statement into a declaration like: T_index varname;

initfutil.o(.text+0x117): undefined reference to `mpir_init_flog_'
initfutil.o(.text+0x11f): undefined reference to `mpir_init_fcm_'
/short/f01/chee/MPICH_SRC/mpich-1.2.5/lib/libmpich.a(initfutil.o): In function `MPIR_InitFortranDatatypes':
initfutil.o(.text+0x193): undefined reference to `mpir_get_fsize_'
make[4]: *** [overtake] Error 1
Compiling MPICH-1.2.5 using Intel Fortran and C/C++
Compile using: ifc -g -axW -xW -ipo -tpp7
Happens during MAKE process
The function mpir_init_flog for example, is declared (prototyped) and also called from the c-code mpich-1.2.5/src/fortran/src/initfutil.c.
However the function mpir_init_flog is defined in the fortran-code mpich-1.2.5/src/fortran/src/initfcmn.f.
When compiled with ifc -ipo, the object file initfcmn.o is NOT READABLE by other compilers or linkers such as icc. Therefore during the "make" process, the reference was UNDEFINED.
Avoid using -ipo with with ifc, if the object code needs to be linked with other programs which are not compiled with ifc.

/short/f01/chee/MPICH_SRC/mpich-1.2.5/bin/mpicc -O -DHAVE_ROMIOCONF_H -I/short/f01/chee/MPICH_SRC/mpich-1.2.5/include -I/short/f01/chee/MPICH_SRC/mpich-1.2.5/romio/adio/common/../include -I../include -c ad_fstype.c
/usr/include/bits/statfs.h(27): error: identifier "__SWORD_TYPE" is undefined __SWORD_TYPE f_type;
/usr/include/bits/statfs.h(28): error: identifier "__SWORD_TYPE" is undefined __SWORD_TYPE f_bsize;
/usr/include/bits/statfs.h(43): error: identifier "__SWORD_TYPE" is undefined __SWORD_TYPE f_namelen;
/usr/include/bits/statfs.h(44): error: identifier "__SWORD_TYPE" is undefined __SWORD_TYPE f_spare[6];
Compiling MPICH-1.2.5 using Intel Fortran and C/C++ on Linux Cluster
Happens during MAKE process
Unable to find the system file where __SWORD_TYPE is defined.
Typically for linux systems, it is located in the file
/usr/include/bits/statfs.h and /usr/include/sys/statfs.h
Add the following to the INCLUDE path in the makefile or configure option.

undefined reference to `iargc_'
undefined reference to `getarg_'
Compiling Fortran programs in using non-Unix Fortran compilers, including Intel Fortran
The function iargc and the subroutine getarg are commonly available functions in Unix and is understood by the g77 compiler. However, they are not standard Fortran commands, and must be explicitly included during compilation.
For Intel Fortran, add the flag during compilation:
ifc -Vaxlib .......

Error 372 : Automatic variable VARa declared in non-procedure testt
In Fortran programs, such as:
program testt
integer VARa(inum)
end program
Cannot have dynamic arrays or even adjustable arrays in the main program. But can have this in sub-programs
Transfer the section of code to a subroutine
program testt
integer inum
call subA(inum)
end program
subroutine subA(ival)
integer VARa(iVal)
end subroutine

f90-700 f90: ERROR HPHI_INTER, File = Hphi.f, Line = 1163, Column = 10
No specific intrinsic exists for the intrinsic call "MAXVAL".
cf90: "explain cf90-message number" gives more information about each message
Compilation with SGI MIPSpro Fortran90 compiler.
The error will occur at the point where an intrinsic function is used, such as:
dimCN = maxval(Ntotala)
This compilation error is due to the argument, Ntotala in the example above, that is used in the intrinsic function, has not been defined.
Ensure that the argument is defined.

Yellow Zone stack overflow, thread 2
forrtl: error (76): IOT trap signal
Yellow Zone stack overflow, thread 3
forrtl: error (76): IOT trap signal
Yellow Zone stack overflow, thread 4
forrtl: error (76): IOT trap signal
0: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff81a1fec8]
1: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff81a29330]
2: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff800d5ba0]
3: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff8057d674]
4: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff80576450]
0: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range 5: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff8058d9e8]
6: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff8013bbd4]
1: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff81a29330]
7: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff801a2e10]
2: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff800d5ba0]
8: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff801c6110]
3: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff8057d674]
9: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff807e3bb0]
4: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff80576450]
10: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff807e25b4]
5: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff8058d9e8]
11: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff80582460]
6: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff8013bbd4]
12: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff805824dc]
7: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff801a2e10]
13: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff80594090]
8: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff801c6110]
14: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff8057d478]
9: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff807e3bb0]
15: _1258_hphi_interparam_ 0: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff81a1fec8]
1: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff81a29330]
2: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff800d5ba0]
3: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff8057d674]
4: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff80576450]
5: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff8058d9e8]
10: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff807e25b4]
6: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff8013bbd4]
11: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff80582460]
7: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff801a2e10]
8: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff801c6110]
12: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff805824dc]
9: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff807e3bb0]
13: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff80594090]
10: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff807e25b4]
14: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff8057d478]
11: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff80582460]
15: _1258_hphi_interparam_ 12: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff805824dc]
13: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff80594090]
14: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff8057d478]
15: _1258_hphi_interparam_ [Hphi.f: 1258, 0x12003f650]
16: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff81dbdba0]
17: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff81dbe194]
18: __FINI_00_remove_gp_range [0x3ff8058a4a8]
forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
forrtl detected SIGSEGV loop - aborting, nonrecoverable error.
forrtl detected SIGSEGV loop - aborting, nonrecoverable error.
/var/spool/pbs/mom_priv/jobs/936116.sc0.SC: line 26: 12958396 IOT/Abort trap
Using OpenMP with Fortran Compilers on
Compaq Alpha - Compaq Fortran (formerly Digital Fortran)
Linux Cluster - Intel Fortran Compiler
SGI - MIPSpro Fortran
The stack size for child threads are overflowing. The main stack size for the program is changed by the ulimit command (in Bash shell) or limit command (in C shell). However this environment variable does not set the size for the child thread stack size. Thus the child thread stack overflow.
Set the environment variables to increase the child thread stack size.
#for intel
export KMP_STACKSIZE=500000000
#for SGI
export MP_SLAVE_STACKSIZE=500000000
#for CompaqDEC
export MP_STACK_SIZE=500000000

OMP abort: stack overflow detected (address = 0x48439694) for OpenMP thread #1!
Using OpenMP with Fortran Compilers on
Compaq Alpha - Compaq Fortran (formerly Digital Fortran)
Linux Cluster - Intel Fortran Compiler
SGI - MIPSpro Fortran
The stack size for child threads are overflowing. The main stack size for the program is changed by the ulimit command (in Bash shell) or limit command (in C shell). However this environment variable does not set the size for the child thread stack size. Thus the child thread stack overflow.
Set the environment variables to increase the child thread stack size.
#for intel
export KMP_STACKSIZE=500000000
#for SGI
export MP_SLAVE_STACKSIZE=500000000
#for CompaqDEC
export MP_STACK_SIZE=500000000

[ 0 (4019240)]: segv (11). code 28, pc 0x100a0ae0, vaddr 0xfff93655d0, alt-sp 0x1b34fc20 /var/spool/pbs2.3.16-n32/mom_priv/jobs/17447.clare.SC: line 19: 4019240 Segmentation fault (core dumped) test.exe
Using OpenMP with Fortran Compilers on
Compaq Alpha - Compaq Fortran (formerly Digital Fortran)
Linux Cluster - Intel Fortran Compiler
SGI - MIPSpro Fortran
The stack size for child threads are overflowing. The main stack size for the program is changed by the ulimit command (in Bash shell) or limit command (in C shell). However this environment variable does not set the size for the child thread stack size. Thus the child thread stack overflow.
Set the environment variables to increase the child thread stack size.
#for intel
export KMP_STACKSIZE=500000000
#for SGI
export MP_SLAVE_STACKSIZE=500000000
#for CompaqDEC
export MP_STACK_SIZE=500000000

** Address error **
Produced by Intel Fortran compiled code whenever a segmentation fault occurs
Could be any reason a segmentation fault occurs - eg accessing an element beyond an array bound.
Try running the code in a debugger (gdb or idb) to determine where it is falling over. Try turning on bounds checking (-C option). If the code fails at high levels of optimisation but not low, try the "binary chop" method to isolate the code that causes the error.

Filename missing or blank - please enter name UNIT 23?
Fortran - with various compilers including Intel, MIPSpro
When you have code like:
Case 1: open(23, file=' ')
Case 2: open(23, file='fort.23')
Case 1: is legal for some compilers, although this is not Standard Fortran. To solve this, give as many arguments as there are code with "un-named" files, when running the program. Eg.
a.out file1 file2 file3
Case 2: This is an Intel Fortran bug which confuses "fort.23" as some sort of RESERVED name. To solve this, change the file name from "fort.23" to something other than "fort....". Eg.
open(23, file='solve.bug')

INTERNAL ERROR at line 31: mismatch in statements 'comma' 'rcomma'
SGI IRIX platform
C programs
cc MIPSpro Compilers: Version
Possible bug in the Compiler which causes the following code to produce the INTERNAL ERROR
#pragma omp for
for (int ii=1; ii<3; ii++)
Solved by declaring the "int" outside the #pragma
int ii;
#pragma omp for
for (ii=1; ii<3; ii++)

cc-1491 CC: ERROR File = octave.gperf, Line = 96
A template argument cannot reference an unnamed type
SGI - MIPSpro C/C++ compiler
Note: This problem seems to be non-existant in other compiler/platforms.
The problem comes from using an unnamed enumeration type. For example having the enumeration type:
enum {

and the error will occur in a line such as:
if (len <= MAX_WORD_LENGTH && len >= MIN_WORD_LENGTH)
Give the enum structure a name, eg:
enum enumOctGperf {

LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _main"
"LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _WinMain

This usually happens when you create the wrong type of project for you application.
In the first case, you chose "Win32 Application" when you should have selected
"Win32 Console Application". On the second case, well, it's the other way.

(1) Create a new project of the correct type, and read all your files too it, or
(2) change the type of the current project. This can be easily accomplished.
Select Project -> Settings from the menu, and go to the Link tab. There, in the
edit control at the bottom, look for the /subsystem switch and change it to
"/subsystem:console" or "/subsystem:windows" as appropriate

"This application has failed to start because MSVCRTD.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem."
DO NOT REINSTALL application - if you can create a new solution and run a new solution without crashing.

"fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file '\naunsw002\cheec\Visual Studio Projects\ccTestPlatform\CBAtestPlatform\debug\cbatestplatform.lib'"
ccTestPlatform Project Properties have selected the CBATestPlatform as a project dependency. Somehow this will not work. Note that CBATestPlatform.lib has already been added to the project via "Add Existing item".
In the ccTestPlatform Project Properties, remove dependency to the CBATestPlatform project.

CBAtestPlatform "fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'CSIROmock.lib'"
Within the Fortran code, there is a line which points to a dll,
eg. !dec$objcomment lib:'CSIROmock.lib'
However, the linker does not know where to find it even if the lib and dll files are in the projects "debug" sub-directory.
Right click on the project -> Properties -> Linker -> General -> "Additional Library Directories"
-> then enter the directory path eg. "U:\Visual Studio Projects\CSIROmock\CSIROmock\Debug"

"CBAtestPlatform error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _CDFINVPOISSON referenced in function _GeneratePoissonNumEvents
CBAtestPlatform fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals"
Fail to recognize or find the function or subroutine called cdfinvpoisson
1. Write an Fortran "interface" of the function (eg cdfinvpoisson) and put that interface within the code of the calling routine.
2. IN ADDITION, need to indicate where the *.lib file for the dll is. For example, given cdfinvpoisson is in the CsiroOpRiskLibrary.dll,
i) write this at the start of the source code for GeneratePoissonNumEvents:
!dec$objcomment lib:'CsiroOpRiskLibrary.lib'
ii) in VS.Net, In the Solution Explorer, right click on the working project, select Project Dependencies, and
tick the project which contains CsiroOpRiskLibrary.

Error: prPromoteSym : Illegal KIND & CLASS mix [RISKDRIVER]
A derived type has been defined in a module with the DLLEXPORT attribute.
The derived type cannot be initialised using the "structure constructor" technique.
Remove the DLLExport attribute for the derived type in the module.

cctestplatform.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x83ec8b55
Tyring to call a subroutine in another module which is part of the same project, where the subroutine to be called has been DLL exported.
Create a wrapper routine and put in the same module as the subroutine to be called. Then from the calling program, call this wrapper name.

Unhandled exception at 0x004952b2 in .........: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x41726570.
Possibly initialized a variable with the wrong data. Eg.
integer*4 :: dDummy
dDummy = 0.0d0
Check that all data variables are initialized with the correct data type.

Compilation Aborted (code 3)
Could be memory allocation error. Or Not using new dll
Copy new DLL into directory

Unhandled Exception at .....
1. Memory Mismatch in arguments. Happens when a subroutine has explicitly sized arguments eg:
subroutine foo(arrA, iNum)
integer :: iNum
real :: arrA(iNum)
If the caller puts in a wrond sized array or the wrong size value, then an error will occur. Eg:
allocate (arrB(10))
call foo(arrB, 15)
This error cannot be found by looking at the size from within the subroutine because:
print *, size(arrA), iNUm
would print the same value because the array with the wrong size has been passed in.
Use assumed shape arrays for dummy arguments rather than explicit size.

Error: The same named entity from different modules and/or program units cannot be referenced. [MCSINGLEEXPOSURE_VB]
"Use " has been used recursively, typically in an interface section, the function interface
declares to use the same module resides in.
In the interface of the function, the "use " can be specified to restrict the usage to certain data
structures using "only" keyword.
module mod_foo
type AAA
end type AAA
function foo_A
end module
function OutF()
function foo_A
use mod_foo, only: AAA
end function foo_A
end interface
end funtion OutF

MKL ERROR : Parameter 2 was incorrect on entry to vslNewStre
using MKL, VSL, VML routines from intel, and having directives like:
!dec$objcomment lib:'mkl_c_dll.lib'
!dec$objcomment lib:'mkl_ia32.lib'
are missing the path to the ...mkl\ia32\lib
In VS.Net, within the dll/console project that uses them, add the path to the library files in:
Project -> Properties -> Linker -> General -> Additional Library Directories

Re: Error PRJ0019 : A tool returned an error code from "Performing registration"
When compiling in VS.Net, and in the Post-Build-Events (in the Post-Build option), if it is designed
to copy the generated file to another directory automatically, then if the destination file is
being used by another user or it is over the network, then this error occurs.
Example is building a DLL file into the release directory, and having a Post-Build-event to copy the
DLL into windows\system32, and someone is actually using it. Or the destination to copy is in the I drive.
Make sure no one else is using the file or remove this PostBuild rule.

The procedure entry point __powr8i4 could no be located in the dynamic link library libmmd.dll.
The procedure entry point __XERBLA could no be located in the dynamic link library imsl_dll.dll.
An older version of the dll which has not got the function, is being used.
Define the path with newest installation first.

Service Application Unavailable
ASP.Net webpage not displaying because the web directory is located in a folder without proper
Grant permission to users. In my case the reason was a missing
\Users user. all I had to do to to give the ASPNET worker process
access to my web project (under WinXP / IIS 5.1):

browse to the web project directory
right-click and select properties
select the security tab
Click the Add button
Type "Users" into the "Enter the object names..." textbox and click "Check Names"
A user named [COMPUTER-NAME]\Users should be displayed.
Click OK.
The "ASP.NET Machine Account" should now be listed in the
"Group or user names:" textbox. By default, Read & Execute, List Folder
Contents and Read will be selected, however, you should be able to
run your site using only the Read permissions. This should be fine for the
permissions needed to run your site through IIS.

Checking if your computer has the latest version of Windows updating software for use with the website
Something gone wrong during Windows Update or other causes and so causing subsequent Windows Update
to give the above message
1. From MS site http://support.microsoft.com/kb/946413
You receive error code 0x80244001 when you try to update the computer by visiting the Microsoft Update Web site or the Windows Update Web site
View products that this article applies to.
Article ID : 946413
Last Review : March 27, 2008
Revision : 1.0
On This Page




Method 1: Register the Msxml3.dll file

Method 2: Register the Windows Update .dll files

Method 3: Close all instances of Internet Explorer

When you try to connect to the Windows Update Web site or to the Microsoft Update Web site to search for updates, you receive error code 0x80244001.

Additionally, you may experience one or more of the following problems when you connect to the Windows Update Web site or to the Microsoft Update Web site to search for updates:• The Windows Update Web page may be blank.
• You are prompted to install an ActiveX control.
• The Windows Update Web site may appear to stop responding (hang) when you receive the following message:
Checking if your computer has the latest version of Windows updating software for use with the website
• You may receive an error message that resembles the following:
Files required to use Microsoft Update are no longer registered or installed on your computer

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This problem may occur if a required system file is registered incorrectly.
Back to the top

To resolve this problem, use one of the following methods.
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Method 1: Register the Msxml3.dll file
If you experience this problem on a computer that is running Windows XP or Windows Server 2003, register the Msxml3.dll file.

Note If you experience this problem on a computer that is running Microsoft Windows 2000-based, go to the next method.

To register the Msxml3.dll file, click Start, click Run, type regsvr32 msxml3.dll, and then click OK two times.
Back to the top

Method 2: Register the Windows Update .dll files
To resolve this issue, register the Windows Update .dll files and then try again to connect to the Windows Update Web site. To register the Windows Update .dll files, follow these steps:1. Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK.
2. At the command prompt, type regsvr32 wuapi.dll, and then press ENTER.
3. At the command prompt, type regsvr32 wuaueng.dll, and then press ENTER.
4. At the command prompt, type regsvr32 wuaueng1.dll, and then press ENTER.
5. At the command prompt, type regsvr32 wucltui.dll, and then press ENTER.
6. At the command prompt, type regsvr32 wups.dll, and then press ENTER.
7. At the command prompt, type regsvr32 wups2.dll, and then press ENTER.
8. At the command prompt, type regsvr32 wuweb.dll, and then press ENTER.
9. Try to connect to the Windows Update Web site again.

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Method 3: Close all instances of Internet Explorer
To resolve this issue, close all the instances of Internet Explorer that are running on the computer. Then, try to connect to the Windows Update Web site or to the Microsoft Update Web site again. To connect to the Windows Update Web site or to the Microsoft Update Web site, click Start, and then click Windows Update or Microsoft Update.
Back to the top

You may be able to resolve the problem that is described in the "Symptoms" section by installing the Microsoft XML Parser (MSXML) 3.0 Service Pack 7 (SP7) update. For more information about how to download and install the MSXML 3.0 SP7 update, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=28494391-052b-42ff-9674-f752bdca9582 (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=28494391-052b-42ff-9674-f752bdca9582)
Back to the top

2. From http://www.archivum.info/microsoft.public.windowsupdate/2006-03/msg00164.html
When searching for available updates on the Windows Update site, you see the
0x8007043B error
This error may occur if the WUAUSERV and BITS services are not configured
properly in the registry.

When searching for available updates on the Update site, you see the 0x8007043B


"Checking for updates, depending on your speed this process may take several
Try registering the following:

Click Start, select Run and type (pressing enter after each one and wait for
the success message):

net.exe stop wuauserv
Press Ok

Repeat for the following:
regsvr32 wuapi.dll
regsvr32 wups.dll
regsvr32 wuaueng.dll
regsvr32 wuaueng1.dll
regsvr32 wuweb.dll
regsvr32 jscript.dll
regsvr32 wucltui.dll
regsvr32 msxml3.dll
regsvr32 softpub.dll
regsvr32 atl.dll

net.exe start wuauserv

3. From http://www.thetechguide.com/forum/lofiversion/index.php/t27833.html
Not sure if this will work, but can you try it please
Save these instructions too a text file then close down all browsers, including this one

Go to START>>RUN>>Type in, or copy and paste the following hitting OK after each command

net.exe stop wuauserv
regsvr32.exe wuapi.dll
regsvr32.exe wups.dll
regsvr32.exe wuaueng.dll
regsvr32.exe wucltui.dll
regsvr32.exe MSXML3.dll
net.exe start wuauserv

Afterwards go back to Windows updates

Not a message - Sticky keys in WinXP get activated by mistake.
Due to Windows Accessibility Option which can be found under Control Panel.
1. Try pressing both the left and right CTRL keys at the same time and
see if that releases CTRL.
2. Go to Start / Settings / Control Panel / Accessibility Options /
Keyboard Options.
Turn off CTRL lock if it's on.
If that solves it and to avoid future problems, press "Settings"
Turn off "Press modifier key twice to lock".
Turn on "Turn sticky keys off if 2 keys are pressed at once".
Or turn off "Use shortcut"
3. Clean your keyboard.

Not a message - Performance Monitor ( perfmon ) not working.
There are several reasons to this. Rather than stating the numerous causes, a
brief description is given here about perfmon.
1. Perfmon is located in C:\windows\system32\perfmon.exe
2. A configuration or data file it uses is C:\windows\system32\perfmon.msc
3. It has some library files C:\windows\system32\perfX009.dat, where
X = 'c', 'd', 'h', 'i'
4. It has got various dlls C:\windows\system32\perf*.dll
5. It has also got various entries in the registry.
The corruption of any of these may cause perfmon to stop working.

1. Quick and dirty way is to find a PC where perfmon is working and copy any necessary
perfmon files which are corrupted on your machine.
2. Correct the registry entries. This may be dangerous. Check:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Disable Performance Counters
3. See the links below for more info or
Google: "performance monitor" regedit disable.


PRB: Performance Object Is Not Displayed in Performance Monitor

Troubleshooting Performance Monitor Counter Problems

Q248993 - 248993 - PRB: Performance Object Is Not Displayed in Performance Monitor

Q249138 - 249138 - INFO: Controlling the Disabling of Performance Monitor Extensions

Q300956 - 300956 - How to Manually Rebuild Performance Counter Library Values

Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembl
y 'ConsoleDriver, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one
of its dependencies. Failed to grant minimum permission requests. (Exception fro
m HRESULT: 0x80131417)
File name: 'ConsoleDriver, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
' ---> System.Security.Policy.PolicyException: Required permissions cannot be ac
at System.Security.SecurityManager.ResolvePolicy(Evidence evidence, Permissio
nSet reqdPset, PermissionSet optPset, PermissionSet denyPset, PermissionSet& den
ied, Boolean checkExecutionPermission)
at System.Security.SecurityManager.ResolvePolicy(Evidence evidence, Permissio
nSet reqdPset, PermissionSet optPset, PermissionSet denyPset, PermissionSet& den
ied, Int32& securitySpecialFlags, Boolean checkExecutionPermission)

The above message may be a general message that can be attributed to a number of different errors.
The list of causes below is therefore not limited, please send us other causes that you have found.
1. A managed code (eg C# application) is being run on a network drive (hence lack of permission).

1. Move the executable and related applications to run from a local drive.

Unhandled Exception: System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'xxxxx.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
The above message may be a general message that can be attributed to a number of different errors.
The list of causes below is therefore not limited, please send us other causes that you have found
1. If you are deploying an application build / compiled on one machine, to another machine, then on that remote machine,
some files may be missing.
1. Use Dependency Walker to scan your application's exe and / or the dlls that you build. From Dependency Walker, look for any
dependent dlls that are not found in the remote machine.
Example: this error may happen if msvcr80.dll or msvcr80d.dll are not in the remote machine.

OMP: Error #15: Initializing libguide.lib, but found libguide40.dll already initialized.
OMP: Hint: This may cause performance degradation and correctness issues. Set environment variable KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK=TRUE to
ignore this problem and force the program to continue anyway.
Occur when running within VS.Net and Intel Fortran. In particular it is because libraries, eg. IMSL_DLL.DLL is linked
into the application, but the application is compiled as static.
Compile the program as using dynamic libraries by setting:
Project -> Properties -> Fortran -> Libraries -> Runtime Library -> Debug Multithreaded (/libs:dll /threads /dbglibs)

OMP: Warning #18: Setting environment variable "__KMP_REGISTERED_LIB_4504" failed:
OMP: System error #203: The system could not find the environment option that was entered
OMP: Error #110: Clearing __KMP_REGISTERED_LIB env var failed.
Occur when running within VS.Net and Intel Fortran. In particular OpenMP as well as MKL is required in the code.
The conflict arise when using the threaded version of MKL with OpenMP dlls.
To use threaded MKL, there is an option to use libguide40.lib (older) or libiomp5md.lib. To avoid this error, use

'CS0246: The type or namespace name 'type/namespace' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)'.
The .NET framework enables a number of different build configurations. The first category choice is
{Release, Debug} and the second is processor dependent {x86, x64, anycpu}.
Occurs when updating code, particularly config files or settings, compile errors may occur or it may throw the
above error.
It is recommended to clean the solution for all build configurations if these type of errors are encountered.
To do this, right click solution and select batch build. Then select all files and clean solution.
Then batch build solution.

-no dll and no lib
-no lib
ccTestPlatform fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file '\\naunsw002\cheec\Visual Studio Projects\ccTestPlatform\ccTestPlatform\Debug\CSIROmock.lib'

/nologo /Zi /Od /include:"\\naunsw002\cheec\Visual Studio Projects\ccTestPlatform\ccTestPlatform\\Header Files" /module:"$(INTDIR)/" /object:"$(INTDIR)/" /traceback /check:bounds /libs:static /dbglibs /c

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