Monday, November 26, 2007

Notes Joomla

Notes Joomla

Install on Localhost
Transfer from localhost

How to hide Details of Author, Category, Published, Hits for articles?
- Ensure each article set to global
- Go to Component - Articles, then select Show/Hide for each of Author, Category, Published, Hits

How to display template?
After selecting templates, go to Extension -> Discover

How to create a banner
- From Components - Banner
-- create a New client
-- create a New category
-- create a New banner, choose the created client and category
- From Extensions - Modules
-- create Banner (Module Type), and assign the previously created banner.

Install on Localhost
Download XAMPP first (Windows/Linux) - which has got all necessary server components for Joomla.
Eg Apache, MySQL, PhP, etc

On Windows, DO NOT install from *.exe, instead use the 7z version of installer and unpack to c:\xampp

On Windows7, it may complain about:
"The program can't start because api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem"
Download from 'official' Microsoft site only, the update for Universal C Runtime:
Choose: "All supported x64-based versions of Windows 7" or similar.

You may also need to install the " Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017" from:

To run XAMPP (on Win7):
- go to c:\xampp
- run: xampp-control.exe
- start these: Apache, MySQL
- Check Apache by using a browser and go to: http://localhost
- Check MySQL by  using a browser and go to: http://localhost/phpmyadmin

Now ready to install Joomla
- Download the package, eg
- Configure Joomla for FIRST TIME, by going to: http://localhost
-- Page1, enter Site: eg   email: pck..@gmail  user:pck...   pass: usual web
-- Page2 DB questions:  local MySQLi: user/pwd:root/blank  DBname: joomla391  Prefix: jstg3_
- Installed webpages are:
Joomla: http://localhost
Joomla admin page: http://localthost/administrator

Transfer from localhost
Three step process.

1. Zip and transfer the Joomla public directory
- use 7zip to zip up public_html directory or similar.
- upload zip file to destination Joomla folder.
- while in CPanel or similar, click Extract on the zip file.
- put the contents in public_html in destination

2. Export the MySQL DB from localhost, and then import while on the destination's DB.
- login to phpAdmin and connect to source Joomla's DB
- Export the DB (use custom option)
- login to phpMyAdmin and connect to destination Joomla's DB
- manually create the same DB, eg joomla391, with same name as original DB.
- Import the DB file.

3. Modify the config.php file
$log_path - eg 'public_html/blah/joomla/logs'
$tmp_path - eg 'public_html/blah/joomla/tmp'



Message: "Error on page" at the bottom left corner of browser

Cause: ...

Solution: Check the entry in public_html\configuration.php for the value of $mosConfig_sitename. If the value is "" instead of "", then need to go into administrator as, i.e. without "www"

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