Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Notes Kafka Viewer

After looking through many Kafka viewer tools, I've made some notes here.

1. Kafka Web Console
Last Update: ***This project is no longer supported. Please consider Kafka Manager instead.
-  a Java web application for monitoring Apache Kafka. With a modern web browser, you can view from the console:
- requires a relational database. By default, the server connects to an embedded H2 database and no database installation or configuration is needed. Consult Play!'s documentation to specify a database for the console. The following databases are supported:

2. Kafka Manager
Last Update: A month ago
A tool for managing Apache Kafka.
Starts as a service (but how to run??)
It supports the following :
- Manage multiple clusters
- Easy inspection of cluster state (topics, consumers, offsets, brokers, replica distribution, partition distribution)
- Run preferred replica election
- Generate partition assignments with option to select brokers to use
- Run reassignment of partition (based on generated assignments)
- Create a topic with optional topic configs ( has different configs than 0.8.2+)
- Delete topic (only supported on 0.8.2+ and remember set delete.topic.enable=true in broker config)
- Topic list now indicates topics marked for deletion (only supported on 0.8.2+)
-Batch generate partition assignments for multiple topics with option to select brokers to use
- Batch run reassignment of partition for multiple topics
- Add partitions to existing topic
- Update config for existing topic
- Optionally enable JMX polling for broker level and topic level metrics.
- Optionally filter out consumers that do not have ids/ owners/ & offsets/ directories in zookeeper.

3. Landoop LENSES Box (as oppose to Enterprise) -
Free Version:
All in one docker*
Single broker up to 25M messages
***Lenses with all your kafka setup with extra features, data generators and examples in a single docker environment ideal for development straight in your laptop!

4. Kafka Tool  -
- GUI application for managing and using Apache Kafka clusters. It provides an intuitive UI that allows one to quickly view objects within a Kafka cluster as well as the messages stored in the topics of the cluster. It contains features geared towards both developers and administrators. Some of the key features include

-Quickly view all your Kafka clusters, including their brokers, topics and consumers
-View contents of messages in your partitions and add new messages
-View offsets of the Kafka consumers, including Apache Storm Kafka spout consumers
-Show JSON and XML messages in a pretty-printed format
-Add and drop topics plus other management features
-Save individual messages from your Kafka partitions to local hard drive
-Write your own plugins that allow you to view custom data formats
-Kafka Tool runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS

Kafka Tool is free for personal use only. Any non-personal use, including commercial, educational and non-profit work is not permitted without purchasing a license. Non-personal use is allowed for evaluation purposes for 30 days following the download of Kafka Tool, after which you must purchase a valid license or remove the software.

5. Kafdrop: An Open Source Kafka UI
This tool is definitely still in it’s beginning stages.
Kafdrop is a UI for monitoring Apache Kafka clusters. The tool displays information such as brokers, topics, partitions, and even lets you view messages. It is a light weight application that runs on Spring Boot and requires very little configuration.
- Easy Stand Alone Run, just specify host:port of zookeeper
- Java8 based

6. kafka-topics
Browse Kafka topics and understand what's happening on your cluster. Find topics / view topic metadata / browse topic data (kafka messages) / view topic configuration / download data. This is a web tool for the confluentinc/kafka-rest proxy.

 docker pull landoop/kafka-topidcs-ui
 docker run --rm -it -p 8000:8000 \
               -e "KAFKA_REST_PROXY_URL=http://kafka-rest-proxy-host:port" \
               -e "PROXY=true" \

need GULP
npm install  gulp-build
npm: relocation error: npm: symbol SSL_set_cert_cb, version not defined in file with link time reference
[root@ZenOSSPrimaryS client]# sdk
-bash: sdk: command not found

need GRADLE  -> SDKMAN ....

Need Play Framework

10. I've run across which offers a web socket "live" mode which I imagine would provide a high-level of responsiveness. Docker image available and looks decent (code-wide and GUI-wide based on screen-shots). Just flagging this as another possibility.

*** Best so far
This is newish, as of Apr 2020 - but it looks to be working well in my quick tests.
It was installed on a Win7 machine and connecting to another machine running Kafka on Linux.
Many big positives going for this.
- Both Linux and Windows version available.
- For Windows, there is MSI, AND also simply a JAR version. With the JAR version, it does not need to be installed at all, just double-click to run the JAR file, provided Java is installed on the Windows system.
- Very easy to use and simple interface.
- Need to register, then login, but totally free to use.
- Some other types of Kafka Viewer are either Linux or require Docker. This is the best so far, no Docker and works on Windows.

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